About Donella
About Donella
As I have evolved, so too have my work and my gifts to the world. I offer a unique and powerful experience that encompasses different healing modalities, my knowledge of working with energy, my wisdom and past experiences, my voice, my strong intuition and my knowledge to help guide your evolution to achieve the life your desire.
I am passionate about seeing women thrive in life and business, embracing and loving who they are, their unique gifts, talents, and energy and empowering them to live their life fully, abundantly, boldly and embodying the amazing being that they are.
Because these are the things that I had to learn and embody within myself.
I often felt really different when growing up and had some major illnesses to navigate through in my early life and teenage years. I was often focused on my perceived faults and I thought that I was too much. Too loud. Too opinionated. Too embarrassing. Too honest. Too emotional. Too sensitive. Too sick. Too much of a burden. Too much!
I often compared myself to other people and felt like I could never compete. I was looking for external validation to make sure that I was ok, that I was liked and a good person and yet at the same time I was living life differently, the black sheep so to speak and wanting to pave my own path and do my own thing. I knew that I needed to have a life of meaning to me, even if nobody else understood it.
After a relationship breaks up, where I was living in the outback with a man who cheated on me, I decided that I was going to live life on my own terms and not what I thought I “should” be doing or being. I had been using kinesiology as a tool to aid my healing since my early 20s and when I returned to Melbourne it was truly life-saving for me. I decided to go back to study and learn kinesiology.
Kinesiology was perfect for me. I am curious by nature and kinesiology allowed me to become a subconscious detective, finding the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual blocks that held people back. I loved it and all the things I learnt about myself. But following the rules and protocols in minute details when my intuition was telling me to do something else, I knew I had to evolve the way I worked. I started adding many different tools and modalities over the years and embraced and gave myself permission to use my innate knowing and intuition to offer a unique experience to those drawn to me.
I now see that all the things I thought were too much are gifts and make me the magnificent woman that I am.
There is no competition, when you are showing up as you fully. The world needs more people showing up, embodied and owning and loving who they are and shining their light brightly into the world.
I am deeply committed to your evolution, success and thriving in life and business, to embrace your uniqueness and to be free to be the amazing being that you are.
This is why I always address mindset stuff and take my clients through a thought awareness technique. Our self-consciousness is usually generated in our minds from our childhoods. There will be a story that is being played through your mind about being self-conscious. For me, I had a story that I was really shy. Now I can still have moments feeling shy, but I remind myself that I get to choose how I show up in any situations and I choose confidence. This is something that you can learn or choose for yourself. I would love to show you how. You can book a session via my website. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
How often have we been told to not quit? That quitters are losers? There can be a lot of shame around quitting. But what happens when the use by date of an experience, relationship or job has well and truly expired? And we continue to push and force and sometimes beat our heads against a wall trying to make something work and no matter what we do it just will not work! What then? It is this old crappy story around quitting that has caused so many people shame and staying in situations that do not serve them, limiting their growth and potential. Maybe we need to start challenging this story around quitting being a bad thing? Maybe we need to call it pivoting rather than quitting? Maybe we need to start to look at what we believe around that story of quitting? Is that my belief or did someone say that to me when I was younger? Is this helping me or hindering me in my life? Am I staying the same out of fear? Fear of others judgements? Do I not want to move on because I am scared of what is next? What is unknown? Fear of quitting, without ever challenging it? Maybe whoever told me this or where I learnt it from were afraid of change or doing different things, so want me to stay the same too? Would quitting bring relief because you know you have done your best and it is time? Does staying the same feel expansive or constricting? Does quitting feel expansive or constricting? Now I am not suggesting you quit everything if it gets a little hard, as some things are really worth working on or for. Most of us know when it is time. What I am suggesting is maybe we need to throw the judgement around quitting in the bin. Maybe it is allowing ourselves grace when things don’t work and giving ourselves permission to walk away when it is time. I have been pondering this after my story share. What do you believe about quitting? . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #donellasthoughts
Today’s journal prompt is What stops me from showing up authentically in my life? How would I love to express myself? What am I afraid would happen if I do that? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
This message come through today during my journal practice. I loved the message, so decided to post it for those that feel its resonance. Many are feeling disconnected from their bodies as the old is dissolving. The old ways, the old connection to our bodies, our hearts and wisdom needs to upgrade, or to reconnect so we can hold greater and higher frequencies of light. This breaking down of the old is uncomfortable and is causing confusion. The feeling of discomfort and confusion is quite natural but it feels like death. Which it is. We are in this transformative stage of death and rebirth, which may happen over and over. We mourn the old, transforming it to create the new, stepping into what and why we are here for. This process of death and rebirth, of transformation and creation is coded into our bodies. Our bodies are hearing that call to transform and to create. We are magic. We hold ancient wisdom within us, and that wisdom is waking and stirring to be lived. To use that wisdom, the old ways needs to be transformed, so the body is transforming at a cellular level. This can feel really vulnerable, but we are preparing for miracles, for the new to be created through us, to hold greater levels of love, of light. This can feel full on, confusing, like everything is upside down and inside out. You are not crazy. You are transforming and creating. Surrender to your magic. It is time to fulfill being the creator being, to create your life, to create a new way, to be the leader of your life, filled with love, empowerment and beautiful magic. You are so worthy of this magic. Are you hearing the call? If you are needing support through this time, book a session through my website. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting #journal
Today’s journal prompt is I’m well aware of my faults, so today I choose to be aware of my gifts. These are? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Stop trying to prove your worth. If someone doesn’t see your worth and value, stop trying to prove it to them. When you feel you have to prove your self-worth and value all the time, you are actually diminishing the thing you are trying to prove. You sell yourself short, diminishing your brilliance, when the reality is you are worthy because you are here at this time. There is a lot of time and energy wasted on trying to prove yourself, rather than being yourself! If you believe you have to sell your value to another, it often means you don’t fully value yourself. Some will see your worth. Some won’t. Neither is a reflection of your worth and value, nor is it any of your business. Often people who don’t see your value, don’t see their own, and they are projecting that lack onto you. The more we own our value, the less we have to sell it to others. The ones who see you, your truth and innate worth do not need convincing. They see you. They value you. These are your people. They will never ask you to prove yourself or devalue you. By embracing who you are, you attract people who value you exactly as you are. This is an inside job. Always remember, You truly are magnificent. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Explaining the difference between life is a mirror, not taking anything personally, the pause and breathing. When you can see that how people behave and treat you is their own stuff, and comes from their perspectives, experiences, beliefs and programing, and then be open to look at your triggers within the interactions, a new level of power is opened up. #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
I had a client who was having trouble with her pricing and valuing her work. This is something that many business owners, artists, practitioners and healers have trouble with. There may be many different stories around why this is so, but the underlying thing is of course a lack of self-worth. When someone asked my client how much she charges, she was spitting out her pricing, with feelings of shame around the figures. We started to dig a little deeper. I asked my client some questions around how money and work was spoken about when she was a child. Was creative work valued? Did her parents value themselves? As we were speaking and challenging her beliefs, she stopped, mouth open. I love these a-ha moments. She then told me, that every time she was proud of herself or she created something as a child, her mother would say well done in one breath and then knock her down in the next. She supported her creativity up to a point, but if she got too good or in other words if her mother felt she was moving above her, she would then put her down. Saying something about not having a big head or she needed to be humble. This of course slowly ate away her self-esteem. So as an adult, every time she created something, she was waiting to be knocked down again. She couldn’t be proud of her work and charge accordingly because of this underlying programming. We did some clearing of this program. Now she is aware of this, if this comes up again for her, she now has tools to help and she can treat herself with kindness and compassion rather than with shame and judgement. Is there something that you know trips you up or triggers you in your career or business? You do not have to let that program be the boss. If you need help in reaching the next level, I would love to work with you. Booking link via my website or DM me for more info. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
For many people, they are moving through huge transitions. These may look like endings in relationships, friendships, jobs, money, beliefs, identity or situations are no longer tolerable. Many will be fighting these transitions or changes, forcing or pushing things to be or look a certain way to remain comfortable, resisting what is clearly not aligned or working anymore, but knowing deep down that things need to change. The first step is acknowledgement, as without this you will be increasing your own suffering and limiting your potential and evolution. Acknowledge that you are going through a hard time. Don’t minimise what you are going through, or compare yourself to others, nor tell yourself constantly that you are going through a hard time. But acknowledge and accept within yourself that it is hard at the moment. But know this is a moment and a huge opportunity if you choose to accept it. Your triggers, these transitions and opportunities for the next level or stage are coming up, as you are in a position now to deal with them, to feel your emotions, to move them through your body and to gain wisdom and have more trust, more self-esteem, more self-confidence, and more self-love within. Many need this old energy to fall away, to create space for new to enter. That time where there is nothing that seems to be happening or that void space of not knowing what is next can be really uncomfortable. Acknowledge that. It may be time to slow down, connect to your inner world and heart more, it may be time to ask for support, it may be time to surrender and be willing to make some changes, it may be time to change your daily habits, or start looking for another job. It may be time to seek professional support during this transition. Whatever it is, whatever that looks like, it will start with acknowledging where you currently are. If you do need support, I would love to work with you through this time. My booking link can be found via my website or in my profile. You are doing a great job. You are amazing. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is What kind and compassionate words would you say to your younger self? Can you show yourself those same things now? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Complaining is a very intoxicating way to bond with others, but have you ever noticed when 2 or more people are complaining together, how quick they race to victimhood? You know the “well you think that is bad, what about this?”. Let me say here that feelings of negativity is normal and a good rant or sharing with someone can be really beneficial. But if you are constantly complaining about the same thing/person/situation, it might be time to ask yourself why. Is this how you bond with a particular person or group? How do I feel when in this environment? What am I getting from complaining? Do I talk about my wins and positive things too? What energy am I bringing when I complain? If you are always negative, constantly finding fault in yourself and others and unwilling to make any changes other than complaining, perhaps it is time to address it. Our perceptions create our reality. By focusing on something, or complaining about something, we are giving it energy and we are making more of it. We are literally rewiring our brain to more negativity and things to complain about. We become addicted to negativity and drama due to the chemicals firing in our brains. If you are not willing to change something, then accept it. If you aren’t happy then it is up to you to do something about it. If you want less drama in your life, then stop complaining about it. It really is up to you. You are responsible for your thoughts, your energy and the words that come out of your mouth. Become aware of the language you use, the thoughts in your head, what you talk to people about. Your words and thoughts are powerful. How are you choosing to use them? If you are wanting help to shift out of this complainer energy, then book a session to start. Booking can be done on my website. . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutiveart
It is such an honour to witness new levels of being, power and creation in my clients. I am here to hold the space for you to connect to the part that knows what you need, to empower you to help you heal and love the parts that you have hidden from yourself and the world. I am here to hold space for you with unconditional love and non-judgement. This is a sacred relationship that requires mutual respect, trust, alignment and commitment to your growth, healing and connection to your own being and personal power. I am your cheer squad when you forget how fantastic you are and need reminding how worthy and deserving you are. I call bullshit for you when you are selling yourself short, or believing the crappy stories you have in your head about yourself. I am here to show you that your opinion of yourself is more important than anyone else’s opinions. I am here to help you gain wisdom from your experiences and from seeing something from a different point of view. I am here to guide you into your shadow when you are too scared to go alone, because that is where the gold is. I am here to show you how much love and light you are when you are afraid to be who you are. I am here to remind you of who you truly are, not the version you think other people want you to be. I am here to support you accessing your gifts, skills and wisdom so you can shin brightly in this world. I am here to work with you to improve your quality of life on all levels, to help you face your fears, to move beyond the excuses and stories you tell yourself that stops you in your tracks. I am deeply committed to your evolution and success in this lifetime, to learn to love the person you are, and who you choose to be, to embrace your uniqueness and to be free to be the amazing being that you are. I want to see you thrive. I am here to remind you. You are love. You truly are magnificent. . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is Where do I need clarity to see what I am still resisting? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Being in your greatness, shinning your unique light into the world will piss people off. Do not stop. Being in your greatness will make some uncomfortable. Do not stop. Being in your greatness will make some jealous. Do not stop. Being in your greatness will bring up the dark in some that have not yet addressed it within themselves. Do not stop. Being in your greatest will not be received or understood by some. Do not stop. Your mission is to be you fully in your greatness, to be the shiniest fullest and greatest expression of you. This allows others to be in their greatness. We are all here to have our own unique experience of being human in the body you have. We all have different things to learn and experience, but your purpose is to be you, evolving and expanding in consciousness, experiencing life in your unique way. So there is no point in comparing yourself to another or diming yourself out of fear of judgement from anyone else. There is enough space for us all to shine our light brightly. This is why I love my work so much, to help you to embrace, to own and to shine your greatness into this world, trusting and being the fullest expression you can be. You are amazing! Need help to shine your greatness? Book online. Link in my bio. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
In each moment you have the power to fuel fear or to fuel love. You get to choose. Most of us are living life unconsciously through our ego. Ego needs to be overpowering, controlling or a victim to feel powerful. It will say things like: You are not enough. It’s always someone else’s fault. You cannot change. You don’t deserve this (to feel good, successful, love, money, health etc) That someone else is better than you or beneath you. (Putting people on pedestals or in ditches) That you are alone and separate. Love is power within and cannot be snuffed out or influenced outside of you. You will never feel like a victim when you are in your power or love. Love is self-sustaining, trusting, wisdom filled and expansive. Love says you are enough and deserving. Love is awareness and increased states of frequency and consciousness. Love never has to force or have power over another. Love is connected and whole. When we are aware that choosing love is expansive and choosing fear is constrictive, we can start to consciously choose our thoughts, beliefs, actions and habits. Your power is in your ability to choose. Which will you choose? Need help to shift out of victim mentality? Book a session through my website or DM me any questions. . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Many have a fear of success. This comes up a lot in my clients, especially business owners. That being successful will open me up to judgement from others. That being more visible, especially on social media, is scary, as it will make me a target of unwanted attention and comments. That success will mean I won’t have time for things I love to do, that I will be one dimensional. That I could not be more successful than my parents, my siblings, my friends. That I may lose or have to give up something to be successful. Insert any fear here. Many find their potential, their light overwhelming. Scary even. So they stop. Trying. Dreaming. Flow. And accept mediocrity. Settle. Allow your inner mean mind to beat yourself up. Maybe we need to challenge our beliefs around failure and success? Success really is an inner job. You see you get to decide what success looks and feels like to you. But not from a place of fear and ego, but of love. Maybe we need to accept how powerful we truly are and deal with the fears around our power? Our fears around our light? Our fears around being visible? The fear of overwhelm? Challenging our limiting beliefs? Maybe it is time to take responsibility for our life? All of it. Addressing the energy of success and aligning your energy and body to your highest timeline and success. Addressing your mindset and using your mind for yourself rather than against. Leaning into the feelings of success and practicing them, so the universe can match that frequency. Clearing the emotions around the beliefs holding you in this pattern of stagnation. Because you are worth it. You are worthy of a joyous life! You are worthy of your light and shining brightly. You are worthy of your power. You are worthy of your love. You truly are magnificent. The world needs you to shine brightly. If you know you have some beliefs around success and would like to shift them, book a session on my website or send me a DM with any questions you have. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is What aspects/things don’t I like about myself? How have those aspects/things actually helped or kept me safe? Often the things we hate about ourselves, have helped us to be safe or helped us in some way. When we can acknowledge that those parts that we have not liked, have had a positive role in our lives, we no longer have to hate them and be resist of them. Instead we can shift to acceptance and then soften into love. Because those parts deserve you love as much as the parts of you that are easier to love. Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Found this from last year and is still relvant today. Adress you fears, beliefs and victimhood. Do the inner work because you deserve to feel good and to thrive in your life. This does not happen outside of us, but inside. It is always an inner job. It is hard, but it is worth it. . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
One of the greatest things I hear from my clients is the sense of relief they feel after a session. It is such an honour to witness those moments of sweet relief. That relief is written right across their faces and their body. Oh the relief. The relief that comes from acknowledging or identifying an outdated pattern. The relief that comes from knowing that you are not going crazy! The relief that comes from clarity. The relief that comes from accepting and loving yourself. The relief that comes from remembering and honouring who you really are. The relief that comes when you choose yourself rather than everyone else. The relief that comes from giving yourself permission to live your life your way. The relief that comes from the confidence you grow in yourself and your abilities. The relief that comes from empowering yourself, listening to your inner wisdom, following your intuition and owning your power. The relief that comes from connecting to your truth. The relief that comes from getting help in a loving non-judgemental space that allows you to be you. The relief from learning you truly are magnificent. If you are looking for some relief, hit the message button or book via my website and let’s get started. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
It is time to celebrate you. Today’s journal prompt is How would your best friend describe you? What are you good at? What do you need to acknowledge about yourself? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for#journal . . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
We are in the middle of the great awakening for mankind and the planet. There are huge shifts and energies happening on Earth at the moment. As we are a fractural of the universe, so we will feel this too. Many people are awakening and so many more are starting to awaken. People are realising there is much to life then what they have thought and starting to question pretty much everything. Our beliefs. Our patterns. Our unconscious guilt and shame. Our fears. Our inherited stuff and expectations from our family line that does not resonate. Our identities and roles and how we move through this world. Our relationships. Our jobs and the way we work. How we give our power away to so many things outside of ourselves. The systems, including our governments, our health care, our education, our laws, our history. You are starting to see the ways in which division and divide and conquer tactics are being used. You are starting to see that many people who have been put onto pedestals, celebrities, politicians, influencers, gurus, Doctors, are not who they appear to be. We have been told that we are powerless. Weak. Need to rely on outside forces, to affirm, to heal, to receive praise, love, esteem, confidence and to be lead in our lives. We believe that life is too much for us, our fears let loose and running the show, afraid that what we face or potentially face we cannot handle, powerless. It is time to take our power back. It is time to awaken to our huge potential. We are in a portal of opportunity right now, to explore, shift, transmute, integrate and lovingly accept ourselves, feeling our emotions and gaining wisdom from our experiences. We are identifying what and who is in alignment. We are deciding and changing the ways we want to live, destroying habits that make us feel like shit, choosing ourselves and our own happiness and joy, choosing to love ourselves and accept our fellow human beings. It is like a major spring clean on all levels of our being. We will need strong foundations and discernment for the coming year. If you knew without a doubt, that you are fully supported and we get through this shift, how would you be, feel and take action right now? Through this, please be kind to your fellow human beings, even if you do not agree with them. Do not let fear take your humanity and connection to each other, because there is so many beautiful people and so many beautiful opportunities to connect with our brothers and sisters. We are so much stronger together. We are powerful. It is time to remember. If this resonates and are feeling lost and unsure, then I would love to work with you to help you reconnect to the glorious being that you are and to step into your power. Ready?
Today’s journal prompt is Hello. I’m future you. I want you to stop comparing yourself to others because it’s stopping you from being who you really are. Here’s what I want to tell you about comparing yourself. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Stop trying to be acceptable to other people. Stop diming your light, your voice, hiding your emotions, trying to be invisible or worse chameleon yourself, giving your power away to be acceptable to another. I know this may be scary for you. I know that the fear of judgement of others is stopping you from being your true self. I know that you think that your safety is attached to being liked. But. People will judge. Some people will not like you, no matter how acceptable you try to make yourself. You cannot stop or control this. The judgements others make is about them and not you, even if you have made it personal. You see, you get to decide if someone else’s judgment is more powerful than the fear you have of not being acceptable to others, you showing up authentically you. You decide if you will hold somebody else’s judgment higher than your own self-acceptance, self-respect and how you show up in the world. So you might as well be you fully. You might as well honour yourself. You might as well accept yourself. You might as well say the words. You might as well shine brightly. The world needs you, for you are amazing. If you need help in feeling safe in showing up as you in the world, I would love to work with you to shine brightly. Booking through my website or contact me for more info. . . . . #intuitive #energyhealing #healing #empowerment #womeninbusiness #youarepowerful #confidence #womenempoweringwomen #melbournebusinessowners #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #flourish #thrive #anxiety #shadowwork #darktolight #womeninspiringwomen #limitingbeliefs
Humans will do anything to not feel uncomfortable. We suppress our emotions, refuse to honour ourselves and our needs, not speaking up for ourselves, change our personalities or our opinions to fit in, allow shitty circumstances because we are too fearful to change, to go within, to ask for what we need, to allow ourselves to be seen fully, so uncomfortable in not knowing what's next. Needing to be controlling, as our trust in the unknown, ourselves and the universe in what is next, is too uncomfortable because it is non-existent. Trying to hold onto what is known, hoping to find comfort in that, but knowing that it is just not working any more. Feeling uncomfortable, as what we have been suppressing, what we have been diminishing or controlling and refusing to address or look at is coming up and making itself known. Loudly. The first step to change and to start moving in the direction you are craving, is to admit that there is a need to change, that what you have been doing is no longer working. Admitting that things in your life are not working is huge. Reaching out and getting help is brave and so courageous. It takes far more courage to be vulnerable then to suppress our shit and push on through, acting like everything is ok, when on the inside you are in struggle town. We often think we have to do it alone, that our shame around needing to make changes, means we must do it alone or continue in that state of suffering. You don’t. You will not receive any judgement from me in needing and wanting to make changes. I applaud you and I will do everything in my power to support you making changes and thriving in your life. Ready? DM with any questions or book through my website. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
Something magical happens when women sit in circle together. Join us to connect, share, express, support and mediate in circle with other amazing women. This circle we will focus on the power of our hearts and connecting to our heart wisdom. I will be creating space for you to set your intentions, ask questions, participate in a guided meditation, reclaim your energy, and have tools that you can use after the evening. Date: Thursday 29th February 2024 commencing at 7:30 for 90 minutes. Location: My clinic room Investment: $35 to be paid before the night. Limited spots are available. Please let me know either by emailing me at [email protected] or texting me on 0421559460 or through my socials. Hope to see you there.
Today’s journal prompt is What ways can I show myself more compassion and kindness? Is there a particular area I need to show myself more compassion? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting #shadowwork
Please honour your humanness. We are meant to feel the whole range of emotions, to learn and to be aware of our humanness. We are meant to make mistakes, to be messy and just have no idea what we are doing at times. This is not a green light to beat yourself up, judge yourself harshly or to think horrible thoughts and speak awful words about yourself. Our humanness is beautiful. You deserve your love and compassion. Even if someone else shows us love and compassion, how often do we truly received that? Or do we brush it away? Reject it outright? Still think crappy things about ourselves? Only you can truly give yourself that compassion. Only you can truly allow yourself to receive it, to be worthy of it. Until then you will not receive it. Your approval, your compassion and grace, especially when you make mistakes, is the portal to your liberation into self-love, dissolving shame and your feelings of unworthiness. That is the true journey. We have to continue inwards, with loving compassion, grace and acceptance. To the heart and all the treasure that it holds. Remembering our true essence. Which is love. You are love. . . . .#donellasthoughts #intuitive #energyhealing #healing #empowerment #womeninbusiness #youarepowerful #confidence #womenempoweringwomen #melbournebusinessowners #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #flourish #thrive #anxiety #shadowwork #darktolight #womeninspiringwomen #limitingbeliefs
Your words and thoughts are powerful. How are you choosing to use them? You are responsible for your thoughts and the words that come out of your mouth. You can take control of your thoughts and words. Becoming aware of the language you use, the thoughts in your head, what you talk to people about, is a game changer. Once you are aware, you can change them. Your attitude and perspective is where your power lies. What are you choosing? If you would like to address some of your mind chatter and the ways you think about yourself, now is the perfect time to book a session with me. The link is in my bio. . . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
Today’s journal prompt is What do I think about failure and mistakes? How do I feel when I make a mistake? Am I afraid of mistake or are they part of life? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting #shadowwork
It is ok to let things or people go without making them wrong. Have you ever noticed when something or someone is no longer aligned, for whatever reason, that voice in your head starts a story to make it/them wrong? I know I have. I noticed the other day my monkey mind chatting away to me trying to make a story out of something. When I realised what was going on, I stopped and observed those thoughts, without judgement, without even trying to make it stop. Just observing. When I became aware of the story, I said to myself, I am not doing this to myself today. Once you have awareness you can choose another way. We think that the thoughts in our head are real and they are who we are. This isn’t true. The Ego likes to be right. Always. So it will create a story making everything and everyone else wrong. Then it will up the drama and make sure you never forget why they are wrong. So rather than creating a story, or believing that story in your mind, let it/them be. You don’t have to create a story to let go of something. This takes practice, but once you are aware you don’t have to get sucked into the drama that our ego mind likes to create. One of the biggest shifts I have seen in my clients, is when I take them through a process to witness that they are separate from their thoughts and they get to choose whether they believe them or not. Time to take back your power? Want some help to shift? Booking can be done through my website. . . . .#intuitive #energyhealing #healing #empowerment #womeninbusiness #youarepowerful #confidence #womenempoweringwomen #melbournebusinessowners #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #flourish #thrive #anxiety #shadowwork #darktolight #womeninspiringwomen #limitingbeliefs
Hello! My name is Donella and I’m the owner of Meraki Healing. I am a multi-faceted, multi-passionate, kinesiologist, access bars and root cause therapy practitioner, mentor, facilitator, guide, activator, space holder, intuitive and truth-teller. I’m here to support you in your life where you are right now. I’m here to elevate you and reconnect you to your brilliance, your centre, your calm, your wisdom, your power and your worth. I work with people experiencing physical issues like anxiety, depression, pain, skin issues, hormonal imbalances, brain fog, overwhelm, stress, TMJ issues and trauma and so much more. I work with business owners who love what they do, but are not fully aligned energetically to their business and clients. I work with kids who are struggling with school, anxiety, sleep issues, behavioural issues and so much more. I work with people who want more connection, awareness and embrace their worth. I work with people who want to improve their mindset, empower them regarding their thoughts and shift limiting beliefs. I work with people on all level of their being, physically, mentally, emotionally, emergetically and spiritually. I work with business owners, mums, dads, kids, women and men to improve the quality of their internal world, increasing wellness, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love, self-resilience, emotional intelligence, wisdom and growth. I’m here to help you not only feel better in your skin, but to experience true healing and growth, empowering you with knowledge and insights to help move you forward, show you where your power is and expand your consciousness. If you are ready to shift and expand your life, my booking link is in my profile or send me a DM with any questions. . . . .#intuitive #energyhealing #healing #empowerment #womeninbusiness #youarepowerful #confidence #womenempoweringwomen #melbournebusinessowners #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #flourish #thrive #anxiety #shadowwork #darktolight #womeninspiringwomen #limitingbeliefs
Today’s journal prompt is What traits, behaviours, characteristics in others, makes me feel the most insecure? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. Hit the save button and save this post for later. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting #shadowwork
The time is ripe to help you deeply accept yourself, to holding your dark and your light, with love and nonjudgement. To face that which causes you fear, that which wants you to abandon yourself, that which has caused you pain. Into loving acceptance. You can no longer self-abandon to keep the peace. This is where you can choose to use your life experiences to aid you, to gain wisdom. For your life is your blueprint, your map to mastery. There is no way other than through. If you try to bypass, you will continue to have the same things occur until your transform and alchemise it. The time of victimhood needs to come to an end, as we are moving more into our divine energy and a deep remembering of who we truly are, there simply is not room for your victimhood. Does this feel scary? What if you forget? What if by forgetting I do the same things again? This thinking is keeping you stranded, stagnant, unable to grow and thrive in your life. And growing is the point. You cannot remain the same. It simply is against universal laws. Challenge your own thinking, shift your thoughts and energy, re/deprogramming your beliefs to find yourself, learning to regulate your nervous system, getting the help you need to transform that which is holding you back, being your own guru and using your past for you, rather than using it against yourself. This is alchemy. This is growth. This is working for you. Because you deserve to thrive and remember how amazing you are. Ready to commit to yourself? You can book through my website. . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
I had a client who was venting about a person that they know. Now this often happens and sometimes we need a good vent, but the very things that my client was complaining about this other person, was the exact same things that she was doing. It was clear that it was causing her a lot of anger and discomfort. I started to ask questions about what was happening and how it made her feel, what memories it invoked. She could identify that the way she felt now was how she felt in her family growing up. She was making the other person wrong, so she could make herself right. Her reaction was a trigger for her to acknowledge and integrate at a deeper level and step into her power. As soon as she realised this, her anger dissipated. She could see that they could both be right in that moment. She identified that she needed to take a step back and acknowledge her own self-worth and how awesome she actually is. She could see that the other person’s behaviour had nothing to do with her and was their own projections and insecurities. Powerful stuff. This is were working with a practitioner like me comes in. I act like a mirror to highlight the blind spots that are keeping you stuck. When we challenge our triggers, our fears and our own projections, we grow, learn, and gain insights and wisdom that are invaluable. We become less reactive, less malleable to outside influences and allow more love and joy into our lives. Which is the whole point of being human. If you would like to be less reactive and are ready to take responsibility in your life, I would love to work with you. Booking links through my website. You are amazing! . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
Today’s journal prompt is What strengths do I have? What gifts do I have? What am I good at? Let's celebrate ourselves, our strengths, our gifts and what we are good at. Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. . . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting
The quality of your life, your power is in the way you choose to interact or not with your thoughts. Nobody can make you feel or think anything unless you choose to and that includes your thoughts. You get to choose to act on a thought or let it go. Think of it like choosing your outfit for the day. You choose if a thought has meaning or it doesn’t. Thoughts have no power over you. You do not have to take your thoughts seriously, act on them or believe them. You are so much more than your thoughts and what is going on in your head. You have an amazing soul and spirit that is waiting for you to connect to it. You can retrain your brain to think more balanced thoughts, more empowering thoughts, thoughts that will add to your life. You get to choose. This is why I address your nervous system, mindset, reframing and challenging perceptions in my sessions. It helps people to stop believing their own crappy thoughts, the thoughts stuck in the past and the thoughts keeping them small. It can also show you how addicted you are to worry and drama. You get to choose. Ready to change those thoughts? Book a session or send me any questions you have via DM. . . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion #thoughtsmatter
It is so important at the moment to be really conscious of what energy you are putting out into the world. We are actively creating the new, so this means it is so important to be true to yourself, true to your word, consciously setting your intentions each morning and using your energy being you fully. If you are not being authentic, it might be time to look at why? Fear? Not being liked? Judgement of others? Judgement by yourself? Pleasing other people? Trauma? You are not responsible for how others receive or perceive you. Start being comfortable with not being liked by everyone. The most important person that needs to like you? IS YOU! You are responsible in your authenticity and integrity in how you show up or not, how honest or dishonest you are, how true to yourself you are being and showing to the world. Integrity, authenticity and you embodied being deeply you is powerful and courageous. Do not underestimate how much you and your unique energy code is needed on this earth. If you need help shifting out of hiding who you are out of fear or your limiting beliefs, I would love to work with you to help shift them and allow you to flourish. . . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
Today’s journal prompt is What feels like you biggest challenge right now? Do you need to reach out to someone to help you with these challenges? Ask for support from family? Need to change something in your day? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Do you have crappy thoughts? Are you a worrier? Do you believe every thought in your head? How do you know that they are actually true? Many are addicted to worry and drama, and let their thoughts be the master of their lives. They want change, but are unwilling to address and change their thoughts. The things you worry about, generally speaking, won't happen. What it does do is lower your vibration, stops you from enjoying what is happening now in your life, increases anxiety, depression and can cause you to stagnant in fear. Here is where taking responsibility for your thoughts, liberates you. Nobody can make you feel or think anything unless you choose to. You get to choose to act on a thought or let it go. Thoughts have no power over you. You do not have to take your thoughts seriously, act on them or even believe them. You are so much more than your thoughts and what is going on in your head. You can change a thought and focus on what you do want, choose a thought that empowers you and helps you. You can retrain your brain to think more balanced thoughts, more empowering thoughts, thoughts that will add to your life. You get to choose. This is why I address your nervous system, mindset & reframing, do awareness techniques and challenging perceptions in my sessions. You get to choose. If you are needing help in this area, you can book online or DM me any questions you have. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
One of the quickest ways that we diminish ourselves and feel like shit is through comparing ourselves to other people. Please, for all things holy, stop it. I know that it can be tempting for the ego to compare, and for you to believe that voice when it starts with its negative talk. But she is more successful than me. She does business or her job better than me. She is prettier than me. She is making more money than me. She has a better relationship than me. I’m too, short, tall, skinny, fat, dark, light, blah blah blah. All of this can be true. Or none of it can. You see, you get to decide. That voice that wants to compare, that sounds like a douche, is not you and does not speak truth. It is not the boss, it isn’t even you so you can choose whether you believe it or not. So choose to honour the human being that you are, in your amazing body, living and doing life. Or you can choose to diminish yourself, steal your own joy, limit your self-confidence and self-esteem, stagnant and keep yourself small and limiting your potential. Or choose to own your brilliance, improve your self-confidence and self-esteem, shining your light brightly and impacting those around you with your light. We are all at different stages in our evolution of this thing we call life, experiencing it in our unique way, with our unique blueprint and list of things to learn in this lifetime. You are a unique expressions of the divine. You are walking, talking, and breathing miracle. Your purpose is to be you fully in your highest expression. So stop insulting yourself and the divine by comparing yourself to other people. Shine. You are amazing. If you know you need help in this department, then please get in touch. It is time to shift out of that victim energy and shine brightly. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #expansion
I was afraid of what was unconscious & yet equally afraid to allow myself to shine. Wanting to be liked and accepted. Watering myself down to be palatable. Suppressing my fear & big emotions, shutting down how much I feel, being embarrassed & scared by my potential and power. Constantly being a victim. How can I accept these parts that cause me so much pain? Surely the pain of looking at them is too much? Aren’t they better left alone? Most are living from this space. Unconscious to their power and potential, settling for less than they deserve & being horrible & hating themselves. Fearing the very thing that can liberate them. Your unconscious shadow effects the way you show up & perceive the world, your frequency & what you tolerate. The question then became how is not looking at this & healing it hindering or helping me? It wasn’t helping me at all. By looking at, accepting, showing up for myself with compassion, getting over my own bullshit, working with & healing I was bringing light into my world. Surrendering, letting go & learning to trust. Taking responsibility and getting radically honest with myself. I started to see more light in the world. My conscious awareness meant that I could make more empowered decisions for myself. It increased my frequency, opening up to life. I no longer take things personally. I no longer need to control. If I start to control, I realise what I am doing quicker & choose to stop. I no longer expect people to behave in certain ways to make me comfortable. I no longer have to people please and be firm in my Yes & firm in my No. I am more than comfortable with doing things my way, even when everyone else is doing the exact opposite. I am worthy I own my brilliance. When I stuff up, because I have & will continue to, as this is the glory of being human, I do not beat myself up, but look at & learn from it. I show up for myself with compassion & kindness & love. This work does take courage, but it is beyond worth it. You ready for expansion in your life? Book a session through my website and lets get started.
What if I told you that your triggers are the portal to your liberation? Your freedom? Your sovereignty? A gateway into your shadow, how you can increase your frequency, your evolution, your acceptance and self-love. How you can bring your unconscious and make it conscious. Moving from dark to light. How you recognise your wholeness. Your triggers are a guide to where you have suppressed your pain, trauma, emotions. Your triggers are showing you where you need healing, transformation, transmutation. Your triggers are asking you to take responsibility and take back your power. Your triggers are showing you how to listen, show yourself compassion without judgement and showing you what you need to move forward. Your triggers are showing you what takes your nervous system out of balance and is asking you to learn to regulate it. Your triggers are asking you to go deeper, to go within, offering self-mastery. Get curious with your triggers. Ask yourself why you are reacting the way you are. What am I feeling when I get triggered? What am I trying not feel? How can I shift this? What do I need? You are not your triggers, but can give you so much wisdom and growth if you choose to use them to your advantage. Need help shifting, or learning about your triggers? You can book a session online or send me a DM. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness
This is a really powerful practice to do. Forgiveness is about your liberation and freedom to move forward. Love and power cannot live in the same space with shame, guilt and resentment, so to move forward we can choose to forgive ourselves or continue dragging that crap with us. Today’s journal prompt is Write a forgiveness letter to yourself. This is not to shame yourself, but to give yourself compassion and grace. This is to offer yourself forgiveness for the times that you feel you have let yourself down, when you have had horrible thoughts about yourself, when you have not treated yourself with the respect and love you deserve. This is to release any resentment and toxic habits and traits that you have been holding onto. This may bring up different emotions. I know when I have done this practice, I have often had tears streaming down my face. Allow this. This is grief that you have stored around abandoning yourself. On the other side of this, is heart opening love and compassion for yourself. This is were love can happily live. Take as long as you need for this. You may need more than a few days, as new things will pop into your mind to release. Please finish with a love note to yourself, as you deserve your love the most. Happy New year you amazing human. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Today’s journal prompt is Write a letter to 2023 like it is a person. List all your achievements and things you are grateful for, what you have learnt, what you struggled with and what you want to leave behind. If you need to rant, rant. If you need to cry, then cry. Whatever you need to feel, allow yourself to do that. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
We are wired more negatively to keep us safe, so it is important to also look for the positives. Today’s journal prompt is What did you love doing this year? Made you smile? Gave you joy? Have fun doing? How can you bring more of this into next year? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
As we head into the end of the year, it is valuable to reflect at the year that has been, and seeing how far we have come, what has been challenging and what we would like more of. The next 4 days have different prompts to help with this reflection. Today’s journal prompt is What fears or beliefs have held you back or stopped you doing things this year? Are those fears valid or in truth? Can you see them in a different way? Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. If you go off on a tangent, allow it. You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up. This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. . . . #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and New year. However you choose to celebrate this time, I hope you have a peaceful day and are able to relax and rest. Sending you love. You truly are magnificent.
Today it is 10 years that Meraki Healing has been a business. What a 10 years it has been! So it is reintroduction time. Hi! I’m Donella I value honesty, integrity, connection and freedom. I value self-awareness, responsibility, empowerment, expansion and uniqueness. I value inner wisdom, intuition and authentic expression. What does this mean to you? Well if you value some or all of these things too & are wanting to make changes in your life, to get unstuck, or you want to elevate your life to higher levels, then I would love to work with you. My approach is not wishy washy. If you want someone that will tell you that life is unicorns, love & light and apple pie, then I am not the practitioner for you. If you want me to “fix” you, with you taking no part in your own healing, not willing to self-reflect nor taking any responsibility, then I am not the practitioner for you. I ask tough questions, as I prefer an uncomfortable truth, then a comfortable lie. I won’t enable victimhood and victim energy, because that is a crap way to live. I give you space to find your own answers, as everything you need is within. The space I hold for you is a judgment free space of unconditional love because the safer you feel the quicker you heal. I am not here to judge you (you are doing enough of that yourself!). I support you and help facilitate the changes you desire. I believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. I see the magnificent being underneath the illusions, the programming and crap. I see you and you are amazing! If you are ready to cut through your own bullshit and the illusions of your stories, then I am the practitioner for you. If you are ready to take responsibility and make changes in your life, then I am the practitioner for you. It is time to elevate your life and to shine brightly in this world. I have received awesome feedback from clients who have transformed their lives. Ready for some changes? Go to my website to book a session or DM me. #empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninbusiness