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Phone: 0421 559 460
Email: [email protected]

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Tuesday 10 am to 9 pm
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443 Posts

Donella Storey 🔥 Mentor, Guide & Activator

I clear emotional mental physical & spiritual blocks
Authentic living
Root Cause therapy
Intuitive energy healing
Forest Hill, Vic 🇦🇺

Today’s journal prompt is 

Am I still holding onto a mistake or experience I made in the past? What can I learn from this? What did it teach me? Can I see it in another way?

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
I was speaking with a client and we were talking about holding onto things that were passed their used by date and making space for newness to come in. The analogy that came through was holding onto an old furry lolly in your pocket, knowing that it should be in the bin, but holding onto it just in case.

My client said to me “Donella, let me hold onto my old furry lollies.” She then laughed at the absurdity of her comment.

Who in their right mind would keep old furry lollies?

The lolly could represent anything for you. In this instance it was holding onto people, even though they were not treating her the way she deserves and wanted to be treated.

Most people I know, including myself are holding onto old furry lollies.

For you it could be friendships, a partner, a job, your beliefs, your patterns, your habits or the need for drama etc. 

We hold onto these old furry lollies because our EGO is scared to throw them away, just in case we never get any other lollies.

Crap lollies are better than no lollies, right?

When our pockets are full with old furry lollies, we do not have the space or the frequency for our favourite lollies, or new lollies. You may be given the opportunity to receive something incredible, but your focus is on the old lollies and there simply is no space for anything else.

The universe is wanting to give you more than those old crappy lollies.

Are you ready to receive the abundance you deserve?

The time is right to release a lot of outdated crap, because there is simply no space to bring them along into the New Year. Our frequency is rising and those things that are no longer aligned need to be let go.

Have you been holding onto or hoarding old furry lollies?

Do you need to throw that crap out to allow space for new energy, new sweets to come in?

Do you need help in letting those old lollies go, perhaps finding out why you have been holding onto them in the first place?
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression
There is no competition when you are showing up fully as yourself. 

Not when you are trying to emulate someone else you think is doing it right, or you perceive to be more successful, more beautiful, smarter, nicer, etc, etc. than you. 
Not when you are comparing your life, relationships, business, work or body to someone else.

There is no need to project up or down when you are being yourself, meaning you don’t need to feel inferior or superior to anybody else, as everyone is on their own journey, just like you.

We are all at different stages in our evolution, experiencing life in our unique way, with our unique blueprint and list of things to learn in this lifetime.

You are a unique expressions of the divine.

You are walking, talking, and breathing miracle. 

So stop insulting yourself and the divine by comparing yourself to other people.


Have confidence in your unique expression of being you.

People are attracted to you because of your energy.

Not you pretending to be someone else or diminishing yourself and stealing your joy through comparison.

They are attracted to your energy.

They are attracted to how you make them feel and how safe it is for them to be themselves fully in your presence. 

They are attracted to your authenticity.

In this confident place of being you, it is the best gate keeper you will ever have. 

If you are struggling with comparing to other people or letting your true self shine, it may be time to look at any imbalances that are stopping you from showing up as you. Connect to your heart space and follow your inner wisdom and guidance.  I would love to help you shift into your potential and help you embrace who you are. 

Bookings on my website.

You truly are magnificent.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression
Did you know that nothing or nobody can take your power away?

Unless you choose to give it away.

This might trigger you because of your past. 

Not a bad thing. 

This is where the inner work needs to occur. That trigger is showing the unconscious parts of you that are driving you. It is the doorway into your power and embracing who you truly are.

It is not there to torment you or punish you.

When you understand this it is such a game changer. 

Say it

Nobody or nothing can take my power away.

I get to choose what anything and everything means in my life.

Your power is within.

The more aware of who you are,

The more acceptance you have of all parts of you,

The more you address your wounds, your beliefs and patterns, the things that you feel ashamed about

The more you allow yourself to feel those emotions held in your body

The more you bring your fear into your conscious awareness and choose another way

The more you connect to what you value, living your authentic expression of your life

You no longer have to look for external validation and value because of your lack of internal value.

You no longer have to give your power away to another, or look to another to validate you.

You know your value.

You know you are valuable.

You know your worth.

You know you are worthy.

You get to decide. 

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression
Today’s journal prompt is 

Where am I not being true to myself? What is holding me back from being, expressing and living in my truth? Can I do something right know to move myself closer to my own truth?

Today’s journal prompt is 
Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Do not underestimate the impact of making little changes in your life.

We often thing to make change, that we need to do big, audacious things and sometimes that can be true.

But we are more likely to stop doing big changes as our minds have a freak out.

Small changes, making little steps each day, have a big impact long term, because they are more sustainable.

Are you needing help with making changes in your life?  I would love to help you create the life you adore.

Booking through my website. 

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression #change #changeyourlife
Can you allow yourself grace?

Can you allow yourself compassion?

Can you allow yourself love?

It is clear that for many, it is time to invite this energy into their lives, as for many there is major changes happening or needing to happen. 

We may be quick to give this to another, but we forget to give this to ourselves.
Our inner world, our inner wounds are craving this energy.

The time of shaming, of beating ourselves up, of the inner mean girl (or boy) running riot is over.

It simply does not work.

It is time to bring love, compassion and grace to our lives. 

It is becoming clear to many people that the old ways are no longer working.

They are craving more.

More connection.

More self-awareness.

More kindness.

More self-forgiveness and self-compassion.

Inviting love to help, to heal to lead the way. 

Inviting compassion, as we are changing and growing.

Giving ourselves grace while we move through challenging times and personal growth.

How can you bring more love, compassion and grace into your life?

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression
Today’s journal prompt is 

Where have I been denying love in my life? Where do I need to invite love more into my life? 

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Embrace the power of self-reflection! 

Taking the time to look inward is essential for personal growth and self-development.
When we pause to reflect on our experiences, thoughts, and emotions, we gain valuable insights that guide us on our journey.

It can show us where, perhaps our blind spots are or the things that trigger us.

It can show us the patterns that are tripping us up, and then can choose another way.

It can show us what is important and how we can live through our values.

It can show us where we still need to heal, to let go and empower ourselves. 

Whether it's through journaling, meditation, or simply quiet contemplation, self-reflection allows us to cultivate self-awareness, understand our strengths and areas for growth, and align our actions with our true desires. 

How do you practice self-reflection in your life? 

I would love to know what your favourite methods of self-reflection are.  Comment below 

#SelfReflection #PersonalGrowth #SelfDevelopment #Mindfulness #Authenticity #Empowerment
Today’s journal prompt is 

Reflect on a recent challenge you faced. How did you respond to it, and what did you learn about yourself in the process?

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Whatever you refuse to become conscious of, will be unconsciously driving your life.
Your unhealed wounds, your pain, cannot be bypassed through false positivity and smiles.

You can’t heal your pain through perfectionism and never allowing yourself to make mistakes.

Your unhealed wounds are what causes you to constantly look for love, likes, follows and validation external to yourself. But you will never feel like it is enough. 

You will be constantly searching, feeling more and more needy, insecure and lonely. 

From this place you become desperate.

What if there was another way?

What if you turned towards your pain, your wounds, leaning in, allowing it to be witnessed, to be made conscious, felt and held with love, compassion and grace?

What if getting honest and being curious will open the doorway to greater understanding?

What if becoming conscious and aware will allow you to take own your power? Gain wisdom? Choosing to respond? Changing your mind, belief, response?

Are you ready to take back the wheel and start to drive your life, consciously, with curiosity?

Are you ready to want and expect more for yourself, because you know deep down that you are deserving and worthy?

Are you ready to step into your power and the authentic expression of you?

Let’s do it! You can book through my website or DM now.

#SelfReflection #PersonalGrowth #SelfDevelopment #Mindfulness #Authenticity #Empowerment #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression
This time is ripe to help you deeply accept yourself, to bring your dark into the light.
With love and nonjudgement.

To face that which causes you fear, that which wants you to abandon yourself, that which has caused you pain. 

Into loving acceptance.

This is where you use your life experiences to aid you, to gain wisdom.

For your life is your blueprint, your map to mastery. 

There is no way other than through.

If you try to bypass, you will continue to have the same things occur until your transform and alchemise it.

The time of victimhood needs to come to an end, as we are moving more into our divine energy and a deep remembering of who we truly are. 

There simply is no room for your victimhood.

Does this feel scary?  What if you forget?  What if by forgetting I do the same things again?

This thinking is keeping you stranded, stagnant, unable to grow and thrive in your life. 

And growing is the point. 

You cannot remain the same.

It simply is against universal laws.

Challenge your own thinking, shift your thoughts and energy, re/deprogramming your beliefs to find yourself,  learning to regulate your nervous system, getting the help you need to transform that which is holding you back, being your own guru and using your past for you, rather than using it against yourself. 

This is alchemy. This is growth.  This is working for you.

Because you deserve to thrive and remember how amazing you are. 

Ready to get to know yourself more and alchemise outdated beliefs?  Book in today.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #authentic #authenticliving #authenticexpression
What if the energy I put onto comparing myself to others and trying to conform and contain the magnificent being that I am, was focused onto accepting myself?

What if I stopped comparing and judging others when their views and beliefs differ to mine and instead respecting that we are all different? Accepting that our differences is what make the world an incredible place?

What if I stopped the competition with other people and supported each other to the best of my ability?

What if I stopped shaming others? 

What if I stopped trying to force or project my fears onto someone else? 

What if I love what I am doing?

What if I love who I am being?

Accepting and embracing me as I am?

The freedom to embrace my uniqueness and shine that light out in the world?

Living from a place of love and not fear?

Making changes from that place of love?

Having the confidence to be me fully and in my power?

That shit is sexy. That is attractive.

And the best thing is that I do not need anyone else’s approval to find this and embrace it, because this is found within me.

How do these questions and statements make you feel?

So many are looking outside of themselves for connection, for purpose, when it is an inside job. 

In clinic, there is a real theme at the moment of connecting deeply within and dealing with why people have rejected themselves and wanting to improve their relationship with themselves and having self-confidence within. 

They know that they are more valuable and worthy then they have believed and no longer want to listen to the crap stories and beliefs they have about themselves. 
You see, you deserve to be in your power and having the confidence to be you.

You deserve to know and feel your innate worth.

You deserve to know how bright your light can shine, how worthwhile and amazing you truly are. 

You deserve to feel amazing.

Want to start on that journey of self-acceptance and love? Contact me to get started or book online. 

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is 

What aspects of myself do I not share or show with others? 
What feelings does this invoke for me? 
Why do I do this? 
Can I see those aspects in another way?

This is to help you get clear on on what parts of yourself you're hiding and why. As a bonus you can also journal on what you think would happen if you did show these parts and if they are actually true to you, or a program of belief of someone else. (like a parent for example).

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
We often get confused.

We believe that outside influences, people and circumstances dictates our worth, our happiness, how we feel about ourselves and our lives.

I mean it must be true if it is happening to me?



You are already worthy and deserving, as you are alive, in your body, at this time. 
You have simply forgotten this and your ego has used outside influences and circumstances mean that you are not worthy. 

It is time to allow yourself to feel worthy, to know deep within your innate worth.

But those external circumstance are happening and I try to control everything, but they still happen so I must be unworthy? 

Control is an illusion that the ego uses to keep you safe, even if this safety is dysfunctional.

You can influence your external world, but you cannot control it. 

What you can control is you. 

Your actions, your thoughts and mindset, your values and what is important to you, your beliefs and your inner world.

You get decide what anything means.

For example, if someone is acting in a way that makes you feel bad, you can choose to feel bad, use what is happening to dictate your self-worth and to be a victim,

Or you can use it to identify and shift your triggers, your pain points, to be in your power and to gain insight and wisdom. 

Minimum is to get curious.

What does it bring up in me?

Can I allow that feeling without any judgement about it?

Does it remind me of another time in my life, or a person in your past?

Awareness then allows you to make different choices.

Here is another really important thing to remember in any interaction. 

People act from their own wounds, their own experiences, their own patterns and programs.

These have nothing to do with you. 

Even if they are acting out towards you, it is not actually about you.

You can start to see this, and you can choose to not take things personally, feel what it bring up in your body and choose what happens next.

You don’t have to use it, to hurt, blame or shame yourself. 

You can start to show yourself and others compassion and grace.
Cont in comment
Today’s journal prompt is 

What messages do I need today? What words need to come through for me?

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
We are being guided to start looking at where we are not in our integrity and hiding from our fear. 

Others are showing you where they are not in integrity, through their actions. It is like people can no longer hide where they are not in their integrity through fear. 

We are being asked to have courage and be brave. 

Are our fears true?

Is the way we are responding or reacting to life coming from fear and shame or guilt?
We often don’t want to acknowledge our perceived failings, not accept our current circumstances out of shame, guilt or judgement (from ourselves or from others) which all comes from place of fear. 

It is time to face what you have been hiding from. 

This may be your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health, your financial responsibilities or lack of, your career, your dreams and goals, your relationships, your decisions or were you are being down right stubborn. 

When we are hiding from this fear and not willing to face it, we often step out of integrity and do and say things out of fear of being found out. 

We do anything to not feel that discomfort. 

But that thing is actually running your life. 

That thing is the frequency which you are operating from. 

The funny thing is that when we are courageous, own and accept where we are, feel those feelings and take responsibility we are no longer in resistance. 

Our pain levels decrease and how sense of freedom increases. 

We can see and make choices and take action from a less fearful and empowered place. 

When we own the parts that we are ashamed of we can be free as they no longer drive us, can no longer be used against us, we no longer can be manipulated. 

So what have you been reluctant to address in your life, that you know needs to change? 

Where do you need to find your courage and start to address this? 

What conversations do you need to have? 

What do you need to accept? 

We are being asked to be in our integrity and we can maintain that through our courage and honesty. 

Need help to address this with someone who will not judge you and wants you thriving in life? Book online now.
Today’s journal prompt is 

What areas of my life does the fear of rejection show up for me? What is the worst thing about being rejected or the thought of being rejected? What else can being rejected mean? Can I change my perception of rejection?

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
You get to choose what anything and everything means to you. 

You can choose to stop sidestepping the issues, the programs, keeping the peace at the expense of yourself, limited beliefs and emotions.

You can choose to do something to empower yourself, taking control of your life, to heal the parts that are hurting, learning and using boundaries, communicating your needs and embracing the amazing person you are. 

You can choose to live your authentic expression, as this is your mission and purpose.

You get to choose,

Please choose you. 

You truly are magnificent. 

If you would like to shift some crappy stuff from your life, you can book online for a session via my website or DM me any questions you may have. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is 

When did I stop loving myself? Why do I deny myself love?

Allow the part of you that is deny your love for yourself to have a voice.  What are you getting out of not loving yourself?  This will allow you to make new choices. 

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
The best and most fulfilling journey you can choose to have, is the journey within and getting to know yourself and valuing the connection within. 

After all the one constant in your life is you!

When you learn about yourself, get curious about the things that piss you off or you complain about, be willing to work on yourself, know yourself in deeper ways, showing yourself loving acceptance and grace, this impacts your connections, relationships and interactions wherever you go. 

It increases your trust in yourself and the universe. 

Your foundation of self-esteem and self-confidence is rebuilt on a more solid standing.

You can no longer be used through your wounds, so you cannot be manipulated by the media, by society, by any industry that profits from insecurities or anything or anyone else outside of yourself. 

You like your own company and who you am.

You value yourself.

You choose yourself and will no longer abandon yourself.

You know that you are worthy and deserving.

You choose to be and receive love. 

If you are ready to know yourself more deeply I would love to support you. 

You are amazing! 

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
You are unplugging from the current inverted matrix and choosing how you want to be, how you want to live, how you want to love, how you want to show up. 

You are unplugging from the system that says anything of value is external from you. It is time to go within and find your intrinsic value, what is really important to you and choosing to see how worthwhile, deserving and valuable you truly are.

You are unplugging from the system that says there is something wrong with you, the way you look, the way you feel, the way you are, the way you use your voice, the things you believe in, the things you value.

You get to choose what anything and everything means to you. 

You can choose to stop sidestepping the issues, the programs, keeping the peace at the expense of yourself, limited beliefs and emotions.

You can choose to do something to empower yourself, taking control of your life, to heal the parts that are hurting, learning and using boundaries, communicating your needs and embracing the amazing person you are. 

You can choose to live your authentic expression, as this is your mission and purpose.
You get to choose,

Please choose you. 

You truly are magnificent. 

If you would like to shift some crappy stuff from your life, you can book online for a session via my website or DM me any questions you may have. 
.#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is 

Where am I being distracted from showing up in my life? What does the distractions stop me from feeling? If the distractions where not there, what would I be creating?

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
During my journal writing today there was a very clear message around focus and distractions that was not only for me but for all of us. This is what came through.

Stop thinking that your focus is not powerful. 

You are breaking down old beliefs, old ways of doing things at the same time as the new is percolating, birthing and coming into creation. 

Stop getting so distracted. 

Watching the break down and creation can be uncomfortable, so you reach for a distraction to not feel that.

But sitting in that space of discomfort, in the void of the now is where you create from. 

This space is powerful.  When you focus in this space, you can create universes. 

You are in control of where you focus, what is important and what isn’t.

Where is your focus? What are you focusing on? Does this need to change?

It is time to take back the power of your focus.

Humans are creators.  You are meant to create. 

Your future, the future you, depends on it. 

Needing help in making changes?

Book a session via my website.
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting
Today’s journal prompt is 

I am your inner cheer leader!  This is what I want you to know and to remember …..

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
I was working with a client that is wanting to make some changes. She kept on saying to me she wants to feel comfortable.  When I explained to her that comfort can mean stagnation, I pressed her on how she wants to feel and what she truly wanted and why she was wanting to make changes. 

Hello Resistance!

Now this part is normal for pretty much everyone, as the ego does not what to change because it does not feel in control and does not know what these changes will mean to its survival. 
We continued, probing and challenging these beliefs to break down what she truly wanted.

She finally realised and felt into the fact that she wanted to feel free and promptly burst into tears. 

When we got into what free and freedom means and feels to her, she realised that it feels uncomfortable and quite unsafe.


She feels comfortable and safe as she is, so the Ego was throwing all it could to keep her stuck there.

We worked on feeling safe in her body and safe to make the changes. 

She realised that she has the choice in how she moves forward.

Now she has the awareness of why she has been struggling.

She has committed to being kinder to herself.

She has an action plan she created. 

She knows that the voice in her head is full of shit and she gets to choose what it means. 

She has the choice and power in her hands.

How freeing is that!?

You have the choice. 

You have so much power.

You truly are magnificent.

If you are wanting to make changes in your life, but have been struggling and would like support, then book a session and let’s get started. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
This is why I always address mindset stuff and take my clients through a thought awareness technique.

Our self-consciousness is usually generated in our minds from our childhoods. 

There will be a story that is being played through your mind about being self-conscious.
For me, I had a story that I was really shy. Now I can still have moments feeling shy, but I remind myself that I get to choose how I show up in any situations and I choose confidence. 

This is something that you can learn or choose for yourself.

I would love to show you how.  You can book a session via my website. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
How often have we been told to not quit?

That quitters are losers?

There can be a lot of shame around quitting.

But what happens when the use by date of an experience, relationship or job has well and truly expired?

And we continue to push and force and sometimes beat our heads against a wall trying to make something work and no matter what we do it just will not work!

What then?

It is this old crappy story around quitting that has caused so many people shame and staying in situations that do not serve them, limiting their growth and potential.

Maybe we need to start challenging this story around quitting being a bad thing?

Maybe we need to call it pivoting rather than quitting?

Maybe we need to start to look at what we believe around that story of quitting? 

Is that my belief or did someone say that to me when I was younger? 

Is this helping me or hindering me in my life?

Am I staying the same out of fear?  Fear of others judgements? 

Do I not want to move on because I am scared of what is next?  What is unknown?

Fear of quitting, without ever challenging it?

Maybe whoever told me this or where I learnt it from were afraid of change or doing different things, so want me to stay the same too?

Would quitting bring relief because you know you have done your best and it is time? 

Does staying the same feel expansive or constricting?

Does quitting feel expansive or constricting?

Now I am not suggesting you quit everything if it gets a little hard, as some things are really worth working on or for.

Most of us know when it is time.

What I am suggesting is maybe we need to throw the judgement around quitting in the bin.

Maybe it is allowing ourselves grace when things don’t work and giving ourselves permission to walk away when it is time.

I have been pondering this after my story share. What do you believe about quitting?
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #donellasthoughts
Today’s journal prompt is 

What stops me from showing up authentically in my life? How would I love to express myself? What am I afraid would happen if I do that?

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
This message came through today during my journal practice.  I loved the message, so decided to post it for those that feel its resonance.

Many are feeling disconnected from their bodies as the old is dissolving. 

The old ways, the old connection to our bodies, our hearts and wisdom needs to upgrade, or to reconnect so we can hold greater and higher frequencies of light.

This breaking down of the old is uncomfortable and is causing confusion. 

The feeling of discomfort and confusion is quite natural but it feels like death.

Which it is. 

We are in this transformative stage of death and rebirth, which may happen over and over. 

We mourn the old, transforming it to create the new, stepping into what and why we are here for.

This process of death and rebirth, of transformation and creation is coded into our bodies. 

Our bodies are hearing that call to transform and to create.

We are magic.

We hold ancient wisdom within us, and that wisdom is waking and stirring to be lived. 

To use that wisdom, the old ways needs to be transformed, so the body is transforming at a cellular level.

This can feel really vulnerable, but we are preparing for miracles, for the new to be created through us, to hold greater levels of love, of light.

This can feel full on, confusing, like everything is upside down and inside out. 

You are not crazy.

You are transforming and creating.

Surrender to your magic.

It is time to fulfill being the creator being, to create your life, to create a new way, to be the leader of your life, filled with love, empowerment and beautiful magic.

You are so worthy of this magic.

Are you hearing the call?

If you are needing support through this time, book a session through my website. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive #donellasthoughts #writing #journalwriting #journal
Stop trying to prove your worth.

If someone doesn’t see your worth and value, stop trying to prove it to them. When you feel you have to prove your self-worth and value all the time, you are actually diminishing the thing you are trying to prove. 

You sell yourself short, diminishing your brilliance, when the reality is you are worthy because you are here at this time.

There is a lot of time and energy wasted on trying to prove yourself, rather than being yourself!

If you believe you have to sell your value to another, it often means you don’t fully value yourself. 

Some will see your worth.

Some won’t.

Neither is a reflection of your worth and value, nor is it any of your business.

Often people who don’t see your value, don’t see their own, and they are projecting that lack onto you.

The more we own our value, the less we have to sell it to others.

The ones who see you, your truth and innate worth do not need convincing. 

They see you.

They value you.

These are your people.

They will never ask you to prove yourself or devalue you.

By embracing who you are, you attract people who value you exactly as you are.

This is an inside job.

Always remember,
You truly are magnificent. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
I had a client who was having trouble with her pricing and valuing her work.

This is something that many business owners, artists, practitioners and healers have trouble with.

There may be many different stories around why this is so, but the underlying thing is of course a lack of self-worth.

When someone asked my client how much she charges, she was spitting out her pricing, with feelings of shame around the figures.

We started to dig a little deeper.

I asked my client some questions around how money and work was spoken about when she was a child. 

Was creative work valued?

Did her parents value themselves?

As we were speaking and challenging her beliefs, she stopped, mouth open.

I love these a-ha moments.

She then told me, that every time she was proud of herself or she created something as a child, her mother would say well done in one breath and then knock her down in the next. 

She supported her creativity up to a point, but if she got too good or in other words if her mother felt she was moving above her, she would then put her down. Saying something about not having a big head or she needed to be humble. This of course slowly ate away her self-esteem. 

So as an adult, every time she created something, she was waiting to be knocked down again. 

She couldn’t be proud of her work and charge accordingly because of this underlying programming. 

We did some clearing of this program.

Now she is aware of this, if this comes up again for her, she now has tools to help and she can treat herself with kindness and compassion rather than with shame and judgement.

Is there something that you know trips you up or triggers you in your career or business?

You do not have to let that program be the boss. If you need help in reaching the next level, I would love to work with you. Booking link via my website or DM me for more info. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
For many people, they are moving through huge transitions.  These may look like endings in relationships, friendships, jobs, money, beliefs, identity or situations are no longer tolerable. 

Many will be fighting these transitions or changes, forcing or pushing things to be or look a certain way to remain comfortable, resisting what is clearly not aligned or working anymore, but knowing deep down that things need to change.

The first step is acknowledgement, as without this you will be increasing your own suffering and limiting your potential and evolution. 

Acknowledge that you are going through a hard time. 

Don’t minimise what you are going through, or compare yourself to others, nor tell yourself constantly that you are going through a hard time.

But acknowledge and accept within yourself that it is hard at the moment.

But know this is a moment and a huge opportunity if you choose to accept it.

Your triggers, these transitions and opportunities for the next level or stage are coming up, as you are in a position now to deal with them, to feel your emotions, to move them through your body and to gain wisdom and have more trust, more self-esteem, more self-confidence, and more self-love within.

Many need this old energy to fall away, to create space for new to enter.

That time where there is nothing that seems to be happening or that void space of not knowing what is next can be really uncomfortable. Acknowledge that.

It may be time to slow down, connect to your inner world and heart more, it may be time to ask for support, it may be time to surrender and be willing to make some changes, it may be time to change your daily habits, or start looking for another job.  It may be time to seek professional support during this transition. Whatever it is, whatever that looks like, it will start with acknowledging where you currently are.

If you do need support, I would love to work with you through this time.  My booking link can be found via my website or in my profile. 

You are doing a great job.

You are amazing. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Today’s journal prompt is 

What kind and compassionate words would you say to your younger self? Can you show yourself those same things now?

Set a timer for 7 minutes (Or whatever time that suits you) and try to write continually whatever comes into your head. 

If you go off on a tangent, allow it.  You are writing from your shadow, so anything and everything can come up.  This is just a prompt to help you get into flow. 

Let me know below what came up or if you are more comfortable DM. 

Hit the save button and save this post for later.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #thegreatawakening #journalprompt #writing #journalwriting #journal
Complaining is a very intoxicating way to bond with others, but have you ever noticed when 2 or more people are complaining together, how quick they race to victimhood?

You know the “well you think that is bad, what about this?”.

Let me say here that feelings of negativity is normal and a good rant or sharing with someone can be really beneficial. But if you are constantly complaining about the same thing/person/situation, it might be time to ask yourself why. 

Is this how you bond with a particular person or group?

How do I feel when in this environment?

What am I getting from complaining? 

Do I talk about my wins and positive things too?

What energy am I bringing when I complain?

If you are always negative, constantly finding fault in yourself and others and unwilling to make any changes other than complaining, perhaps it is time to address it. 

Our perceptions create our reality. By focusing on something, or complaining about something, we are giving it energy and we are making more of it. 

We are literally rewiring our brain to more negativity and things to complain about. 

We become addicted to negativity and drama due to the chemicals firing in our brains. 

If you are not willing to change something, then accept it.

If you aren’t happy then it is up to you to do something about it. 

If you want less drama in your life, then stop complaining about it. 

It really is up to you. 

You are responsible for your thoughts, your energy and the words that come out of your mouth. 

Become aware of the language you use, the thoughts in your head, what you talk to people about. 

Your words and thoughts are powerful. 

How are you choosing to use them?

If you are wanting help to shift out of this complainer energy, then book a session to start. Booking can be done on my website.

#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutiveart
It is such an honour to witness new levels of being, power and creation in my clients.

I am here to hold the space for you to connect to the part that knows what you need, to empower you to help you heal and love the parts that you have hidden from yourself and the world.

I am here to hold space for you with unconditional love and non-judgement.

This is a sacred relationship that requires mutual respect, trust, alignment and commitment to your growth, healing and connection to your own being and personal power.

I am your cheer squad when you forget how fantastic you are and need reminding how worthy and deserving you are.

I call bullshit for you when you are selling yourself short, or believing the crappy stories you have in your head about yourself.

I am here to show you that your opinion of yourself is more important than anyone else’s opinions.

I am here to help you gain wisdom from your experiences and from seeing something from a different point of view.

I am here to guide you into your shadow when you are too scared to go alone, because that is where the gold is.

I am here to show you how much love and light you are when you are afraid to be who you are.

I am here to remind you of who you truly are, not the version you think other people want you to be.

I am here to support you accessing your gifts, skills and wisdom so you can shin brightly in this world.

I am here to work with you to improve your quality of life on all levels, to help you face your fears, to move beyond the excuses and stories you tell yourself that stops you in your tracks.

I am deeply committed to your evolution and success in this lifetime, to learn to love the person you are, and who you choose to be, to embrace your uniqueness and to be free to be the amazing being that you are.

I want to see you thrive.

I am here to remind you.
You are love.

You truly are magnificent.
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive
Being in your greatness, shinning your unique light into the world will piss people off.

Do not stop.

Being in your greatness will make some uncomfortable. 

Do not stop.

Being in your greatness will make some jealous.

Do not stop.

Being in your greatness will bring up the dark in some that have not yet addressed it within themselves.

Do not stop.

Being in your greatest will not be received or understood by some.

Do not stop. 

Your mission is to be you fully in your greatness, to be the shiniest fullest and greatest expression of you. 

This allows others to be in their greatness.

We are all here to have our own unique experience of being human in the body you have.  We all have different things to learn and experience, but your purpose is to be you, evolving and expanding in consciousness, experiencing life in your unique way. 
So there is no point in comparing yourself to another or diming yourself out of fear of judgement from anyone else. 

There is enough space for us all to shine our light brightly. 

This is why I love my work so much, to help you to embrace, to own and to shine your greatness into this world, trusting and being the fullest expression you can be.
You are amazing!

Need help to shine your greatness?  Book online. Link in my bio. 
#empowerment #kinesiology #RCT #selfesteem #elevate #mindset #limitingbeliefs #expansion #thegreatawakening #energyhealing #intutive