Do you hold yourself back from expressing your truth or your business message out of fear?
Fear of not being liked.
Fear of being rejected.
Fear of being misunderstood.
Fear of being different to the herd.
When these fears are running the show, we often step out of our authentic energy.
We start to beige ourselves, start to behave like other people because of our perception of them, which is not the truth.
Well they look successful though.
They look like they know what they are doing.
They are respected and I want some of that.
They seem to be making heaps of money.
I was told a great story around this.
You want to attract everyone to your business, because you want to be liked and have a successful business right?
So you start baking and selling your lemon meringue pies. It goes well, but you notice that other people are doing the same. Your fears start to come into play and you compare yourself to other people. Then you see that people like other cakes too, so you want to get all those people to buy from you.
Making all these different cakes, you start to notice that they are not really all that nice because you are not enjoying baking them. You are not giving what you actually love making the time it deserves.
So you decide to embrace all that you are.
You love lemon meringue pie and you really want to share that with the world. So you re-focus all your attention to making lemon meringue pies. Others start to notice how good they are and start telling all the lemon meringue pie lovers they should buy from you.
Now you are loving what you do, you are being you fully and you have attracted your tribe who love and celebrate and tell others what you are doing.
Win Win.
If you are being you, trying to be someone else out of fear, you will never fully reach your target audience, you will be resentful as it is so much harder trying to be someone else (and bloody disrespectful to your own brilliance) and people will feel that the energy of your business does not much who you are, so they won’t stay around.
The world needs you showing up as your unique energy code.
You need to be ok, to celebrate in fact, that you are not for everyone.
But you are for those that your energy attracts. The more you own your weird and wonderful self, the better and more aligned your energy, the easier it is to attract your tribe!
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