Before the hard lockdown, in between the lockdowns, here in Melbourne, I had a kinesiology session. I always walk my talk and I had some stuff come up around friendships and my feelings around that. During this session I had to look at some beliefs around living my life and what that means to me, who I want in it, how I want to be treated, what I want to do etc.
It came up during the session that for me, I was more afraid of not being able to live my life on my terms then death.
So the loom of a hard lockdown did not go down well.
It literally felt like dying.
This session helped so much, both in how I managed lockdown and clarity around what freedom meant to me and my life.
One of the things I identified and actioned to help me move forward was how I wanted to feel each day. By tuning into my inner guidance, asking myself the question and doing what my inner wisdom told me to do, I took back my power. I was fully responsible for what my day looked and felt like, what I was being, and doing. It felt so much better than being a victim to outside circumstances.
You see I get to decide how I want to feel each day, so How did I want to go about me day.
Freedom comes from within me, and not be any government or media outlet.
Most days it was to bring joy, to feel light and free and allow the sunshine or the light in each day.
I asked my inner guidance how I could bring in the joy each day.
What did that look like?
It varied each day and sometimes moment to moment. Here are some of the things that I did and have continued to do.
Reading a book on my front step in the sunshine and seeing and connecting with people walking past.
A coffee purchased from a local coffee shop made by lovely people.
Certain foods for lunch.
Doing a jigsaw puzzle.
Knitting a few squares of my scrapping blanket.
Ringing or catching up with friends on zoom.
Colouring in.
Listening to something on Youtube, playing my favourite music or song or watching a movie.
Going for a walk.
Having a bath.
It was surprising how simple some of those things were that gave me so much joy.
One of the best lessons I have learnt coming out the other end of lockdown is that identifying how my attitude and perspective around everything is where my power lies. I can choose in any given moment, how I want to feel, what something means to me and changing my view on that thing if I need or choose to. It means allowing myself to be in my power to be me fully and unapologetically. I can make something mean something or nothing.
It felt so freeing.
That by being me and shining my light brightly out into the world, whatever I am doing, is the most important thing for me to do.
Not water myself down.
Not censoring myself.
Not making myself less than the bloody amazing human being that I am.
Not allowing shitty stories and thoughts dictate who I am and how I interact with people.
Being the shiniest version of me I can be.
Do you know what gives you joy or things you can do to help you feel the way you want to feel?
What a fantastic education this life is and in particular 2020.
What a time to be alive.
Always remember.
You truly are magnificent.