On the weekend I was getting a bit ranty and frustrated with the universe and voicing this to a friend of mine. She asked me if on some level I needed to get all angry and ranty, to know that the universe is listening.
What a great question.
We moved onto other things but, this question stayed with me and I journaled about it today.
I realised that I feel powerful using my voice, so when I feel that things aren’t flowing like I want them to, if I feel insecure or afraid, that if I get ranty, then I get to feel powerful.
I am in control.
I am brave.
I am powerful.
I am doing something.
But this is an illusion.
I realised today that silence and being is just as powerful.
The more I am in my centre, the more I am me, the more I surrender and trust, the more powerful I am.
Using my voice is of course important, but so is being silent and sitting in the space of my magnificent being, even if that sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable.
Knowing and trusting that the universe hears my whispers, my silent prayers and dreams even clearer than when I am all demanding and ranty.
Maybe my power is not only in the words I use, but the space I hold, my vulnerability and my energy.
By being me.
That my true power is in the quiet when I can hear the whispers of the universe, reminding me how loved and supported I truly am.
You truly are magnificent.