As we head into the darkness of the shortest day and longest night of winter and winter solstice, many people at the moment are feeling a disconnection from themselves and the world around them, as they resist turning in to that darkness within.
Many are feeling or living like they are an island, separate and in pain mentally and emotionally. This disconnection was either forced upon them through changes from the universe outside of their control or a choice to disconnect out of fear using the excuse of protecting themselves.
This disconnection can show itself in the form of anxiety or heightened states of stress within your body and nervous system, your inner critic is roaring within your head or feeling numb and not engaged with life.
The reason for this feeling of isolation is for you to reconnect at a higher frequency to your own truth and wisdom and for you to decide how you want to live your life moving forward. It is time to go into your darkness and be.
If you have been forced to change, then know that the way you had been living (acting, being) was not for your highest good.
It is a redirection to get back in your own and proper lane, to reconnect to our inner wisdom and soul truths.
We all have a unique blueprint on how we live, our values, why we do things, our personalities, our gifts, our bodies and what and how we love and live life. Many have stepped away from that blueprint, putting others views and judgments ahead of their own, dishonouring their unique expression and not living their authentic life. There is a realigning and a dropping away of what is not good for us to live this blueprint fully.
When we are living our life according to our programming or what is expected of us, to please others, to be liked or to fit in, not honouring our own truth and our own being, the anxiety grows, the self-doubt grows, self-hatred increases and our ability to feel any positive emotions diminishes.
The more we step away from our true connection, the greater the gap between our unique and authentic self and trying to be something or someone we are not, the more pain we will feel.
The anxiety is showing you that you are off course.
It is time to stop comparing ourselves to others, stop trying to fit into something that actually doesn’t exist, believe we are in competition with everyone around us and instead be ourselves fully, allow others to be who they are, to have compassion in our hearts and have the courage to not always be liked but to honour who we are and the life we want to live.
There is a call to reconnect at a much higher, pure and authentic level, to ourselves and those around us. When we are connected to ourselves, we can connect to others from a beautiful and loving space. After all we can only met people as far as we have met ourselves.
As the light stars to come back after solstice, now is important to pause, just like Mother Nature does this time of year; to celebrate what you have achieved since March Equinox and to be ready for the change in season and how you want to live for the next 6 months.
What will you create?
What are the possibilities of your life?
This pause gives you clarity as to what you may be wanting in your future.
Be brave and journey into your shadow, your deepest truths, of death, rebirth and renewal and the promise of spring and summer.
It is a time to remember, you truly are magnificent.