When I settle for less than I deserve, the collective settles.
When I accept crappy behaviour, then the collective shows me crappy behaviour.
When I raise my own personal standards, the collective rises too.
When I have great boundaries as an individual, the collective has better boundaries.
When I focus on truth, the collective reveals the truth.
When I heal my trauma and my wounds, the collective heals.
When I raise my vibration and frequency, the collective rises.
When I love myself and those around me, the collective fills with love.
When I own my power, the collective is more powerful.
This is how it works.
This is how powerful you are!
If you are wanting change in the world, then you get to create that change.
You dream it.
You feel it.
You breathe it.
You action it.
You do the work.
You are the one you have been waiting for.
Exciting times are here.
You truly are magnificent.